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Celebrating 150 Years "In the Heart of Things"

Monsignor Rupert, a representative of the Diocese of Scranton to the Scranton Area Ministerium has released the following message on the occasion of the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the second edifice of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Scranton, PA.

“The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” Acts 17:24-25

My Dear Friends in Christ,

With profound joy and happiness, I extend my most personal and heartfelt congratulations to The Reverend Rebecca Barnes on the occasion of the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the second edifice of Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church. On this day in 1871, the inaugural service was held in the new church on Wyoming Avenue. It is a privilege to offer words of encouragement and thanksgiving for the great work that she and her predecessors have accomplished.

On behalf of Bishop Bambera, the Church of Scranton, the Cathedral, and, as a representative of the Diocese of Scranton to the Scranton Area Ministerium, I congratulate Mother Barnes, the Wardens, Vestry, staff, and parishioners of Saint Luke’s on this historic, grace-filled day! Let us give glory to God as we reflect upon the individuals of generations past who sacrificed their time, talent, and treasure to build this church. Saint Luke’s - made from stone, glass, marble, and wood - is a symbol of God’s living church, of Christ himself.

Like our venerable Cathedral, Saint Luke’s has stood in the center of the City of Scranton in humble service to her faithful and, in a greater sense, to the community which surrounds us. Mother Barnes recently stated, “Following the example of its namesake, Saint Luke the physician and evangelist, Saint Luke’s seeks to bring the good news of God’s healing love to all.” Having been witness to many of the initiatives that Saint Luke’s has undertaken in recent years, I am reminded of the Gospel passage from Saint Luke recounting the Annunciation that “nothing is impossible with God.”

As we look forward in blessed hope, we give thanks this day for the many ways in which Saint Luke’s has positively impacted our community and pray that she and her members will continue to do so for generations to come. The second edifice, standing as a symbol of hope and love, gives us a glimpse of the glory which one day awaits us.


Monsignor Dale R. Rupert

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