To all of our mothers, thank you for all that you do in witness of the life of Christ. From our Cathedral family, we wish you a truly blessed Mother's Day!

The following is a message from Monsignor Rupert.
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son." Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” John 19:26-27
My dear friends,
We have come to yet another cherished day in our lives - a day in which many of us would perhaps come together with family in honor of our mothers - a day this year that is impacted by the ongoing pandemic - a day which we will undoubtedly celebrate differently: Mother's Day.
As I do each Mother’s Day, I ask God’s blessing upon all of the women who have lived out so faithfully the role of mother and I pray in gratitude to God for the witness that each of you offer to the Church and our world. Many of you have given the gift of life to children and have so lovingly nurtured that gift in them. Others have taken on the role of mother as an adoptive, foster or godmother. Your presence in the lives of your children has left an indelible mark on them and has blessed them and you with the grace and light of Christ!
Under normal circumstances, this day is difficult for many people. For those of us who have lost our mothers, we may recall a time from the past when our mothers were physically present with us. We may remember a particularly poignant memory where we laughed or cried together. For some, this may be the first Mother's Day without your mother. For others it may recall the loss of your child; whether this year or many years ago the pain is all too present, especially today. For those whose mothers are living, you may not be able to be with them on this day due to many current restrictions. Whatever your situation, our Lord and Savior offers a radiant path forward.
From the cross Jesus gave us his mother to be our mother, too: a singularly holy model, consoler, and intercessor for our spiritual journey. I chose the quote from John's Gospel which precedes this message for that very reason. Now more than ever before, let us call upon our heavenly mother to intercede for us during these troubling times. Let us bring all that concerns us: our fears, loneliness, and sadness - and all that we are thankful for: our joys, blessings, and happy memories to the cross of Christ. There, we will unite with Mary and pray to Jesus, our Lord that we will one day share in His heavenly glory.
This act of giving and receiving was not meant only for our Blessed Mother and for the beloved disciple, John. It was meant as a command for us all. Jesus looks at all of us from the Cross and says, “Behold, your mother.” And He directs His own dear mother to turn to each one of us with love and affection, seeing her own precious child in each of us.
Let us pray on this day that God will grant to all of our mothers who have died the rewards they so richly deserve and that he may sustain all living mothers to continue to be devoted to God and to their families. May the gift of life, so evidently alive in the heart of all mothers, be ours today and always.
Take time today to turn to Mary, love her and receive her motherly guidance and care. Allow her to embrace you and to welcome you into her heart. Take time today and think of the beautiful act of love offered by the Son of Mary as He prepared to breathe His last. Take time today and reflect upon those beautiful words of Jesus. Hear them spoken to you. Behold the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Behold, your mother.
Monsignor Dale R. Rupert, Pastor