If you are interested in serving on any of the committees listed below, please contact the Parish Office.

Sacred Concert Series Committee
The Sacred Concert Series at the Cathedral is committed to showcasing local, national, and international choirs, soloists, and musicians. The majesty of the Cathedral Church combined with the talent of the artists makes for unforgettable performances.
The Committee plans and executes each season from finding and inviting talent to raising the necessary funds to cover artistic and operating expenses.
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee plans various fundraisers throughout the year including our parish dinners and raffles.
Members of this committee also assist the Sacred Concert Series Committee with the solicitation of private and corporate donors.

Fellowship & Social Activities Committee
The Fellowship and Social Activities Committee is comprised of dedicated parishioners who meet and plan a variety of activities throughout the year.
The committee hosts monthly coffee and donuts in the Cathedral Prayer Garden (Bishops Hall during the fall and winter months).
ARISE Together in Christ
Our parish is participating in the spiritual renewal program ARISE Together in Christ. Each season of ARISE consists of different groups of people and six faith sharing sessions which share a common theme. Currently, we offer an after work group, a young adults group, a men's group, a women's group, a senior's couples group, and a Geneva House group. All parishioners are welcome to join.