On behalf of Monsignor Rupert, representative of the Diocese of Scranton to the Scranton Area Ministerium, the Cathedral extends best wishes for a happy and healthy new year to our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Monsignor states:
"The arrival of Rosh Hashanah in your calendar gives me occasion to send my personal best wishes, and those of our entire Catholic community, to our Jewish brothers and sisters, to your rabbis and synagogue congregations.
The approaching season of autumn grants a beautiful backdrop for a time of renewed faith. In the fall, nature is in transition. As the winds get chillier, the trees more barren, and the light of day less radiant, we can’t help think of our own fleeting nature.
We, like creation, are constantly on a journey: birth, growth, love, life, strength — then slowing down, aging, sensing frailty, and admitting mortality. For a skeptic or one without faith, such an admission of an inevitable personal winter can cause some discouragement, trepidation, and anxiety. For a believer, it prompts trust, gratitude, and a constant search for the one thing that will never fail, fade or pass: the Lord.
May the Eternal One bless and enlighten your communities and our cooperation so that together we can accept and carry out ever better his plans in our world; and may this message from our community to yours add to the joy of your celebrations at this sacred time of the year.
May this new beginning bring us peace and joy! Shanah Tovah!"