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We invite everyone to join together and participate in securing the future of the Cathedral. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you and your family can help your Cathedral by financially supporting our ministries, furthering our mission, and reinforcing our future.

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The Importance of Mission


Know Him

Christ engaged people through stories, teachings, and parables and in the process challenged them to think about what they believed to be true about life, forgiveness, each other, God, and so much more.

  • RCIA - Full initiation into the Catholic faith.

  • Adult Faith Formation - Equip people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • Religious Education - Education for children in grades K-8 with catechists.

  • Small Groups - Foster intentional community like through study, mutual support, and friendship with fellow parishioners.

  • Bible Study - Men's, Women's, Teen's, and Children's study groups.


Love Him

Christ’s relationship with the Father was deeply rooted in prayer and from this relationship flowed His whole life and ministry.

  • Altar Servers - Children in grade 5 and older assist with Mass.

  • Music Ministries - Serve God and others in His name through music.

  • Lector - Prepare and proclaim God's Word for assigned liturgies.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Assist priests in the distribution of the Eucharist.

  • Hospitality Ministers & Ushers - Welcome and assist parishioners and friends attending mass.

  • Eucharistic Adoration - Adore and honor the Eucharistic Presence of Christ.

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Serve Him

Christ renounced power and glory for a life of service - through His healings, miracles, comforting words, and heartfelt compassion, He served people and their deepest needs.

  • Parish Outreach - Organize various projects to help area organizations support the poor.

  • Homebound Eucharistic Ministry - Bring Communion to the sick and homebound.

  • Grief Support Ministry - Offer support to those suffering from a loss.

  • Mental Health Support Ministry - Provide spiritual support for anyone experiencing mental illness and support for family members of those who experience mental illness.

  • Bereavement Ministry - Provide comfort and peace.

  • Visitors for Christ - Visit and spend time with the homebound and those in nursing homes and hospitals.

We invite you to fill out an electronic Commitment Card today! The Commitment Card has a place for you to include any prayer intentions you wish to share. We welcome all intentions and they will be prayed over during the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass. 

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A Message from Father Tudgay

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


I hope that everyone is filled with gratitude for a year in the past and optimistic about the year ahead. There are always
challenges in our world, which allows the mission of the Catholic Church to reflect the love of Christ in the midst of challenging and
strained circumstances.

As we begin this new calendar year, we will be conducting our annual stewardship renewal program, Cathedral Mission
. Last year, your response to Cathedral Mission Forward in March resulted in an increase in offertory income by $49,972.17
from the previous fiscal year. In addition to the dramatic increase in your generosity, the Cathedral Parish enrolled fifty new households,
making us one of the fastest growing parishes in the Diocese of Scranton. Things are moving in a positive and hopeful direction as the
mission of the Catholic Church finds its renewal in the City of Scranton.

Cathedral Mission Renewed is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on the level of financial support that we provide to the Cathedral Parish. For the fiscal year 2023-2024, we are anticipating a deficit of $66,923.  Like last year, we are taking a very cautious approach to administrative expenses and projecting the need for additional capital investment in our historic and beautiful buildings.  Additionally, this budget includes an expansion of ministerial programming as well as provision for further reduction in diocesan liabilities by $30,000.  

Our Commitment Weekend will take place the weekend of February 3-4, 2024. As you prayerfully consider your level of financial support for the mission of the Cathedral of Saint Peter and possibly consider an increase, I invite you to complete the electronic Commitment Card today.

Your participation in Cathedral Mission Renewed will ensure that our mission can remain vibrant and strong as we seek to announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ and live our discipleship with joy. Please know of my daily prayers and gratitude for each of you.

Sincerely in Christ, 

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Reverend Jeffrey D. Tudgay, J.C.L.


Financial Snapshot

Fiscal Year 2022-2023


We invite you to fill out an electronic Commitment Card today! The Commitment Card has a place for you to include any prayer intentions you wish to share. We welcome all intentions and they will be prayed over during the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass. 

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