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Lenten Reflection Series | Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

We know that God sent Jesus into the world to accomplish the mission of saving us from sin, but did you know that he didn’t send him out alone? As Jesus makes clear in today’s Gospel, his Father was with him at every moment. Now, because of our baptism, this is also true for us. When God sends us out, he remains with us. Here is a story that illustrates this truth.

Emily’s brother, Dennis, was seriously ill. Dennis had been estranged from his family and was living in a run-down section of Las Vegas. Both Emily and her mother constantly worried about Dennis and wanted to re-establish a relationship with him, but they didn’t know how to contact him.

When Emily heard that her dear friend Nina was planning a visit to Las Vegas, she asked if Nina could possibly try to find Dennis. It was a lot to ask! Nina would have to venture out into a rough section of the city, and she had only a few leads as to where Dennis lived. But she agreed to try.

As Nina drove into one neighborhood where she hoped to find Dennis, she almost turned around a few times out of fear for her safety. But she kept praying, asking God to protect her. As she got out of her car and began asking people where she might find him, she felt a gentle nudging from the Holy Spirit to be persistent. Each person she asked led her a little closer. In the end, she found Dennis—and he actually welcomed her!

Nina’s visit with Dennis was a blessing for both of them. She told him how much his family loved him and longed to reconnect with him. She took a picture of him, and they exchanged phone numbers. Ultimately, the relationship between Dennis and his family was restored—just a few months before both Dennis and his mother passed away!

Just as he did with Nina, God will be with you in whatever work or mission he asks of you. You might not always see the fruit of your efforts, but you can trust God to guide you, protect you, and give you every grace you need.

“Father, I believe that you are with me as I do the work you have sent me to do.”


Grant us, we pray, O Lord, perseverance in obeying your will, that in our days the people dedicated to your service may grow in both merit and number.

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