In these times of uncertainty, we feel that everyone can use a positive distraction and something that brings a smile to our faces!
You may remember a few months ago we announced that we were forming the Cathedral Garden Club. The goal of the Club was to tend the Cathedral Prayer Garden and surrounding property in an effort to not only beautify the space but to also bring together those who have an interest in gardening and nature. Unfortunately, given the current circumstances, the Garden Club was yet another initiative that we were forced to put into abeyance.
In an effort to continue some work of the Garden Club, we are moving forward with something which was planned from the beginning but was never announced - until today!
The Cathedral Bee Project will aim to introduce mason bees to the garden. Mason bees, known as nature's gentle, yet hardworking spring pollinators are one of the easiest bee species to raise.
Mason bees nest in pre-made holes and hole-nesting bees represent about 25% of the world’s bee species. We can increase mason bee populations by raising them in our backyards and gardens, which is a great way to supplement the stressed honeybee, sustain our future food supply, and provide nesting sites for other native bees, too.
In his 2015 encyclical on the environment titled “Laudato Si,” ("Be Praised"), our Holy Father, Pope Francis stated that “An integral ecology is also made up of simple daily gestures" and that there must exist a "harmony between the Creator, humanity, and creation as a whole..."
We hope that the Cathedral Bee Project will be a little slice of joy that we can all appreciate both now and in the future. Look for updates on Wednesday, April 29 - we'll be placing the cocoons in the garden that day!