New ministry members are always needed and welcome! If you are interested in joining any of the ministries listed below, please contact the Parish Office.

Adult Acolyte
Adult acolytes assist the priest at funeral liturgies throughout the year.
Youth Acolyte
Members of this ministry assist the priests and deacons at Sunday Mass and at other various services throughout the year. Members include youths of the parish who are 10 years old, in the 4th grade, and who have made their first communion. This ministry allows the youth of the parish to become involved and contribute to the Liturgy of the Mass by serving others.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence.​
Ministry to the Homebound
Each Sunday, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to the homebound and those in area high-rise apartments. In addition, Deacon Ed and other dedicated parishioners visit those who are homebound and are unable to come to Mass. If you would like the Eucharist brought to you, please contact the Parish Office.

The lector reads sacred scripture at Mass from the ambo and the intentions of the Universal Prayer. Lectors receive sufficient practical training so they are prepared to read in the most reverent manner possible.
Minister of Hospitality
The minister of hospitality serves as a welcoming face to our parishioners and friends as they enter the Cathedral for Mass, prayer services, and other special events. Ministers of hospitality also assist with the collection during each Mass and are available to answer questions and direct those in attendance as needed.
Music Ministry
Music Ministry at the Cathedral is comprised of the musicians and the Cathedral Choir who volunteer their time and talent in praise of our Lord. When the choir is in season, they rehearse on Wednesday in Bishops’ Hall and typically sing at the 10 AM Mass each Sunday from September to June. In addition, they lend their talent at nearly forty pontifical liturgies each year.
Cantors are an important part of the liturgy at the Cathedral. They are volunteer men and women of the local community who have a love of singing and praising God through song.
Grief Support Ministry
The Grief Support Ministry at the Cathedral was formed to assist those in our parish who are grieving the loss of a loved one. In our Parish community we are frequently reminded of the reality of death, and of our Christian responsibility to offer some degree of comfort to those who mourn.
This ministry is available to anyone in the community. Our ministry is run by a small group of dedicated individuals who have been exposed to death and dying in their own lives, who have received instruction on the bereavement group process, and who have that special empathy that is required in dealing with bereaved persons.
Learn more about the Grief Support Ministry
Mental Health Ministry
The Scranton Mental Health Ministry at the Cathedral of Saint Peter aims to provide a safe, supportive space for individuals in our community who are experiencing mental illness. The Cathedral has partnered with Immaculate Conception Parish and Mary, Mother of God parish to offer this important ministry.
The mental health spiritual support group meets at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturday of the month,
beginning April 8 in Bishops Hall (lower level of the Cathedral Rectory). Each meeting lasts approximately 90 minutes.
The spiritual support group is not group therapy but a ministry in which members seek to help support others during
their time of need and to grow spiritually in their relationship with God.
If you would like to become involved in this ministry, contact Deacon Ed Shoener using the form to the right.
Learn more about the Mental Health Ministry